quarta-feira, julho 05, 2006

Boas Notícias!

Ora aí está uma forma original de construir o reino de Deus na Terra... comprar os edifícios onde o mal vive e expulsá-lo.

Pro-Life Group Purchases Building Housing Abortion Clinic forcing Abortion Business Closure
WICHITA, June 29, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The pro-life group Operation Rescue has announced that it has purchased the building that housed Central Women's Services, an abortion mill located at 3013 E. Central in Wichita, Kansas. Central Women's Services had not been able to pay the rent, and the property was put up for sale. When Operation Rescue purchased the property, under the stipulation that the current tenant not be allowed to remain, it forced the mill to close.
The facility is to be renovated and serve as the pro-life group's corporate headquarters, and will feature a memorial to the pre-born victims of abortion.
The abortion business operated at the location for 23 years and it is estimated that about 50,000 children were killed on the site.


The abortion mill captured the attention of local pro-lifers during the 1991 Summer of Mercy when a Pastor's Rescue, led by Operation Rescue tactical director Jeff White, resulted in the arrests of 80 members of the clergy in what was likely the largest incident of civil disobedience by pastors in the history of the pro-life movement.
Operation Rescue had previously purchased the lot behind the abortion business and erected a huge pro-life billboard there, which was easily viewable by women coming to the facility for abortions.

Para o Pipos:
Basicamente, um grupo pro-vida comprou o edifício onde se encontrava uma clínica de abortos, forçando a clínica a fechar. Viva.

4 comentários:

Senzhugo disse...

é uma maneira engraçada, embora não seja conclusiva de nada, pois das duas uma:
ou o negócio do aborto vai mal - e nesse caso a clínica mais tarde ou mais cedo encerraria;
ou o negócio não vai mal - e eles mudam-se para outro local com renda mais barata.

Jo disse...

....e eu tenho alguma pena que as coisas tenho de ser feitas assim.. sinceramente!

Jo disse...


Anónimo disse...

O negócio vai muito mal. Graças a Deus. Não deixa de ser um negócio lucrativo, mas é cada vez mais difícil encontrar médicos dispostos a enveredar por este... ramo...